Dark Feminine Energy

by Violetta Benson

Feeling Like A Puppet

I used to tell my ex that my biggest fear was being boring and he would always reply: “Boring is...

Someone Like You

Girl meets boy but it’s no fairytale From the beginning, it was destined to fail The boy stole her heart,...

Are you the bad influence in your group?

Every friend group has that one person who always takes things too far, whether they’re partying too hard, eating too...

9 Steps To Get Over Someone You Dated. Kinda.

So you dated someone and thought he was the one! Granted, you thought the delivery guy who accidently grazed your...

Friendship On Hold

I’m doing my best to keep it together But my moods keep on changing just like the weather I kept...

It’s Better To Be Alone Than With The Wrong Person

On my 21st birthday, I woke up to the following text message from my boyfriend at the time: “I can’t...

Why Closing Yourself Off Is A Bad Idea, Even If You’ve Been Hurt

I was sitting here trying to write about how apps are ruining modern dating and how maybe it’s social media...