1. Never have I ever slept with siblings. 2. Never have I ever repurposed a common household item as a...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

Girls don’t wake up randomly one morning thinking: “You know what would be super fun for my health!?! If I...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

You consider yourself a smart, independent woman. You make good choices for the most part and you’re always there for...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

Ah, social media – a wonderful way to connect with former acquaintances (while crying because everyone has a better life...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

This episode may not have been as wild as the last few but it sure ended with a big bang....
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

On this episode, called “Oathbreaker,” it seems like the title didn’t only apply to Jon Snow but also to the...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

This may come as a shock to you but, YES, girls lie sometimes—and by sometimes I mean, like, a lot....
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read past this line if you have not seen “Home” (season 6, episode 2). Consider yourself...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson

Sunday night’s episode ended with a big bang confirming what many fans have suspected for a year now: Jon Snow...
8 years ago by
Violet Benson